Hip Boutique

Which woman doesn’t love nice clothes or to shop but prefers not to spend too much money? Hip Boutique understands that! We found that the offer for the latest fashion, hip but affordable very disappointing. You will end up very soon by the larger department stores that are in every town and that everyone walks in. Not very original! Also in terms of good basics was the offer standard or very expensive. At Hip Boutique you will find therefore a mix of good basics, true must-haves of the season and real eye-catchers. But above all affordable prices! Hip Boutique is open to everyone with a big or small budget. We would love to see you soon at our store were you can see for yourself our complete collection.

Boetiek Jacqueline

Boetiek Jacqueline is een begrip in Amsterdam west en ver daarbuiten. Al jarenlang staan de collecties dameskleding garant voor een supervrouwelijk uitstraling en glamour. In de gezellige boetiek op de Clercqstraat hangt het hele jaar door een actueel assortiment kleding in de maten 36 tot 58 compleet in lijn met de laatste trends.

Personality mode




This is the shit.

A store for your daily inspiration. Full of happy stuff which makes you smile.
We offer you a selected mix of funky new brands, chosen by our fashion guts.
Oh, and we also sell delicious coffee….

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